Tag Archives: President Rutherford B. Hayes

General Grant’s Last Escort

Serving as a pallbearer is the most unselfish “good deed” someone can do for another. The deceased can never return the favor.  The Great General Ulysses S. Grant was not born to anything even remotely connected with fame or renown … Continue reading

Posted in A POTUS-FLOTUS Blog, American Civil War, Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Nifty History People, Rutherford Hayes, Ulysses S. Grant | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Lucy Hayes and the WCTU Portrait

First Lady Lucy Hayes was considered the embodiment of the “New Woman.” But was she? Lucy Hayes: The Old Fashioned Girl Lucy Ware Webb (1831-79) was Ohio born, and half-orphaned by the time she was two. Her mother, Maria Webb, … Continue reading

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Will and Nellie Taft: A Modern Marriage, Part 1

William Howard Taft and Helen (from-birth Nellie) Herron were born and raised Victorians – but they had a very modern marriage. The Early Years Both William Howard Taft (1857-1930) and Helen Herron (1861-1943) were pedigreed Cincinnatians. He was the son … Continue reading

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Chester Alan Arthur in Hiding

When Chester Alan Arthur was named as Republican VP candidate in 1880, no one was more surprised than he was. CAA: A Brief Run-up. Very brief, in fact. Chet Arthur had never been elected to anything before. The New York … Continue reading

Posted in A POTUS-FLOTUS Blog, Chester Arthur, James Garfield, Nifty History People | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Nellie Taft Writes Her Memoirs

This is a sad story with a delayed happier ending. Nellie: Discovering the Ambition Helen (Nellie) Herron (1861-1943) was smart as a whip, and as ambitious as Caesar. She had the ambition to want things, and the ambition to work … Continue reading

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Chester Alan Arthur: The Dandy President

Nothing but the very best would satisfy Chester Alan Arthur. An Insignificant Upbringing Nothing in his background remotely suggested that Chester Alan Arthur (1829-86) would ever be president. Of course that could be said about many of our chief executives. … Continue reading

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Rutherford Hayes’ Secret Oath

The election of 1876 was one of the most rancorous, divisive and probably corrupt in American history.             Oddly Enough… Both Governor Rutherford Hayes (R-OH) and Governor Samuel Tilden (D-NY) were honest, decent men, albeit … Continue reading

Posted in A POTUS-FLOTUS Blog, Nifty History People, Rutherford Hayes | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

The Jackson-Hayes-Clinton Connection

Losing a father as a boy is not unusual. Losing a father before you are born is VERY unusual. Posthumous Children Posthumous children, those whose fathers die before the child is born is rare – even in an age when … Continue reading

Posted in A POTUS-FLOTUS Blog, Andrew Jackson, Rutherford Hayes | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

First Lady Nellie Taft and the CSO

Helen Herron Taft had two passions in her life. First and foremost was politics. Then came music. Nellie Taft: Musician and Politician Piano lessons was practically a given in most nineteenth century middle-class families. Of course, then as now, not … Continue reading

Posted in A POTUS-FLOTUS Blog, William Howard Taft | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Martha Washington: The White House Portrait

The huge portrait of Martha Washington that balances the famous Gilbert Stuart painting of her husband, was painted more than seventy five years after her death. White House Portraits Before photography had advanced sufficiently to achieve artistic popularity, a portrait … Continue reading

Posted in A POTUS-FLOTUS Blog, George Washington, Nifty History People, Rutherford Hayes | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments