Tag Archives: Martha Dandridge

Traveling With Lady Washington

Martha Washington was a homebody, and never liked to travel. Traveling: 18th Century Style If Martha Washington disliked traveling, and actually was afraid of it, she had reasons. Travelers had limited options: foot, animal, vehicle-and-animal. If water crossing was included, … Continue reading

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George Washington and the Presidential Salary

George Washington was not born to wealth. GW: The Gentry Background George Washington (1732-99) was born to a solid middle class gentry family. His father, Augustine Washington, had been married previously, fathered two sons and a daughter, was widowed, and … Continue reading

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Martha Dandridge, Mistress Custis

Nearly ten years before she became Mrs. George Washington, Martha Dandridge became Mrs. Daniel Parke Custis. The Turbulent and Eccentric Daniel Parke  Daniel Parke (1669-1710), the grandfather-in-law to Martha Custis, long dead by the time she married into the family, … Continue reading

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Martha Washington’s “Disposition”

Martha Washington had very few memorable “quotes” – but one of them bears repeating. Often. Martha Washington: Correspondent When George Washington died in 1799, his distraught widow of more than 40 years systematically burned most of their correspondence. George Washington … Continue reading

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