Tag Archives: First Lady Grace Coolidge

Mrs. Coolidge and Mrs. Hoover: A Rare Friendship

On the surface, there were only superficial commonalities between FLOTUS Grace Coolidge and her successor Lou Henry Hoover. The FLOTUS Sorority Many historians refer to the position of First Lady as a sorority. There are only a few dozen FLOTUSES … Continue reading

Posted in A POTUS-FLOTUS Blog, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Nifty History People | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Grace Coolidge and Helen Keller

Nearly 100 years ago, First Lady Grace Coolidge met a truly exceptional woman. GC: Special Ed Teacher Grace Goodhue Coolidge (1879-1957), a Vermont New Englander born to a middle class family, was the First FLOTUS who earned a full four-year … Continue reading

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Grace Coolidge: The Red Portrait

  Ever since FLOTUS Lucy Hayes, it has become a tradition for the sitting First Lady to have a formal portrait painted. The Delightful Mrs. Coolidge Grace Goodhue Coolidge (1879-1957) was one of the most personable First Ladies to ever … Continue reading

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The Six FLOTUS Widows of 1947

In January, 1947,  five (and maybe a “half”) widowed First Ladies were still living.  Frances Folsom Cleveland (1864-1947) Frances Cleveland was a First Lady of many distinctions.  She was First Lady two separate times, during the non-consecutive terms of Grover … Continue reading

Posted in A POTUS-FLOTUS Blog, Benjamin Harrison, Calvin Coolidge, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Grover Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Presidents and Christmas Trees

A “traditional” Christmas tree, one that is brought indoors and decorated, is a German custom. The Early Trees While a Christmas tree of sorts has been around since pagan times, beginning in the early nineteenth century, it became a popular … Continue reading

Posted in A POTUS-FLOTUS Blog, Benjamin Harrison, Calvin Coolidge, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Franklin Pierce | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mrs. Coolidge and Baseball: A Love Affair

Calvin Coolidge liked baseball so-so. But First Lady Grace Coolidge was a enthusiastic fan! Coolidge the Indifferent Sport Calvin Coolidge was always a hard fellow to figure, unless, of course, you were a New Englander. Then he was easy to … Continue reading

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Calvin Coolidge Jr.: A Life Cut Short

The death of any child before his time is a devastating blow to the parents. Mortality Even into the 20th century, infant and child mortality were extremely high. With primitive pre-natal, obstetric or pediatric care and little attention to basic … Continue reading

Posted in A POTUS-FLOTUS Blog, Calvin Coolidge, Nifty History People | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Grace Coolidge in the Kitchen

When Calvin Coolidge wanted to marry Miss Grace Goodhue, her parents were not happy. The Coolidge Proposal Some time after Calvin Coolidge began seeing the pretty Miss Goodhue, he took her to meet his family.  They liked her. Everybody did. … Continue reading

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Grace Coolidge: The Press Conference

  The Coolidge Presidency saw two important “entertainment” milestones: one very small, and one very large. The Small Milestone Calvin Coolidge (1872-1932) was the first president to receive a budget allowance for entertaining.   Previously, with few exceptions, all dinners, luncheons, … Continue reading

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Grace and Calvin Coolidge on the Farm

President Calvin Coolidge loved to take his wife with him on Presidential out-and-abouts. She was pretty, she was stylish, and she had an impish humor. She was enormously popular. President and Mrs. Coolidge Calvin Coolidge was arguably the most sexist … Continue reading

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