Tag Archives: Daniel Parke Custis

The Death of Jack Custis

Martha’s Kids In 1750, eighteen year old Martha Dandridge married Daniel Parke Custis, twice her age, and one of the wealthiest planters in Virginia. They had sincerely liked each other, and the marriage was happy for seven years. Then Daniel … Continue reading

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Martha Washington’s Speckled Apron 

Mistress Custis, Mistress Washington Martha Dandridge (1731-1802) was not born to wealth per se. She was born, very much like George Washington, to a family of gentry. Her father, John Dandridge, owned several hundred acres. This entitled him to a … Continue reading

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Traveling With Lady Washington

Martha Washington was a homebody, and never liked to travel. Traveling: 18th Century Style If Martha Washington disliked traveling, and actually was afraid of it, she had reasons. Travelers had limited options: foot, animal, vehicle-and-animal. If water crossing was included, … Continue reading

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George Washington and the Presidential Salary

George Washington was not born to wealth. GW: The Gentry Background George Washington (1732-99) was born to a solid middle class gentry family. His father, Augustine Washington, had been married previously, fathered two sons and a daughter, was widowed, and … Continue reading

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Martha Dandridge, Mistress Custis

Nearly ten years before she became Mrs. George Washington, Martha Dandridge became Mrs. Daniel Parke Custis. The Turbulent and Eccentric Daniel Parke  Daniel Parke (1669-1710), the grandfather-in-law to Martha Custis, long dead by the time she married into the family, … Continue reading

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Martha Washington’s White House

Martha Washington died in early 1802. She had never set foot in what is known today as the White House in Washington, DC. Martha’s White House in New Kent County Martha Dandridge (1731-1802) was only seventeen when she married Daniel … Continue reading

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