Abraham Lincoln’s Grandson: “Jack”

Abraham Lincoln never lived to see any of his grandchildren.

Robert Todd Lincoln & Family

Abraham Lincoln’s eldest son Robert was twenty-one when his father was assassinated. He had completed his undergraduate studies at Harvard, and planned to re-enroll in Harvard’s law school once he was discharged from the Union Army. Abraham Lincoln had agreed.

That, of course, never happened.

Robert Lincoln

After Abraham Lincoln’s death, Robert Lincoln became the man of the family. He was 21.

Robert had also become enamored of Mary Eunice Harlan, the daughter of Senator James Harlan of Iowa. The Lincolns knew her family, and they knew her. Mary Lincoln liked her very much and encouraged the romance but Mary was only eighteen and Robert twenty-one. Too young. They could, and must, wait.

mary harlan

Robert Lincoln began to court Mary Eunice Harlan shortly before Lincoln’s second inauguration.

Miss Harlan remained in Washington with her family, and Robert, now head of the Lincoln family, went back to Illinois with his mother and his only remaining brother. Tad, at twelve, was still much too young to assume any responsibility.

Robert quickly found a position with a prominent Chicago law firm to “read law,” still an acceptable form of legal education and in a year passed the Illinois bar. By 1868 Robert Lincoln had begun what would become a successful law practice. He had corresponded with Mary Harlan throughout and they were married.

Immediately after the wedding, Mrs. Abraham Lincoln and Tad departed for Europe, where they lived for the next three years.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Lincoln

The newlyweds returned to Chicago and set up housekeeping. Mary Harlan, who had known her mother-in-law since she had been fourteen years old, had little inkling of how difficult and troubled the Widow Mary had become. Robert, of course, had known about his mother’s mercurial temperament as well as the enormous debts she had incurred as First Lady.

mary in mourning

Mary Lincoln was always a difficult woman, and Mrs. Robert Lincoln began to dislike her imperious mother-in-law.

Correspondence flowed readily between the two Marys, and when news arrived of an impending grandchild, Grandma-to-be Mary was thrilled. Gift after gift along with “motherly advice” was sent back to Chicago for mother-to-be and child. But once the baby was born, it was “Uncle Tad” who was homesick and longed to see his new little niece, named Mary, for her grandmother, but forever called “Mamie.” They returned to the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lincoln were happy to open their home to them.

That part did not last long. The reason (or reasons) for the rift between “the Mary Lincolns” has never been completely determined, but one consensus is that Mrs. Abraham Lincoln was imperious and bossy, and Mrs. Robert Lincoln had become accustomed to running her own household and intended to keep it that way. Whatever the dissatisfaction, Robert’s Mary packed up, took little Mamie, and returned to her own family. Things deteriorated further. Tad became ill, worsened, and died shortly after his eighteenth birthday. The Widow Mary collapsed with grief, and once again Robert, with no wife or baby to comfort him, rode to Springfield on a train-with-a-coffin.

Mary Harlan refused to come back to Chicago as long as her mother-in-law was there. Mary Lincoln obliged, and began her years of perpetual wandering. She would never again set foot in her son’s house, nor cuddle a grandchild.

Jack Lincoln

bobs kids

The three grandchildren born to Robert and Mary Lincoln. (l. to r.) Mary (Mamie), Abraham II (Jack) and Jessie. Only the girls lived to maturity.

Two more children were born to Robert and Mary Lincoln: Abraham Lincoln II (1873-1890), and another daughter, Jessie. There is no evidence that Mrs. Abraham Lincoln made any effort to see, contact, or even acknowledge her other grandchildren. One might surmise that Mary Lincoln, who had always loved children, felt the pangs of a neglected or unwanted grandmother. Nevertheless, she died in 1882 without ever having seen her grandson, named for his illustrious grandfather.


“Jack” Lincoln had a fair complexion like his mother; his long legs may have been lanky Lincoln genes like his grandfather.

From the beginning, Abraham II was nicknamed “Jack.” Being named for his martyred grandfather was as much a burden as a blessing, as Robert must have known himself. Family lore said that “Jack” had to “earn the right to use the name.”

Robert T. Lincoln never had the outgoing personality of either of his parents, preferring a quieter and more secluded life far from the public eye. But in 1880, President-elect James A. Garfield appointed 38-year-old Lincoln as his Secretary of War. It was a position he would hold not only for the six-months of Garfield’s presidency, but throughout the presidency of Chester Alan Arthur.  The family assiduously kept a low profile in Washington.

When Benjamin Harrison became President in 1889, he appointed Robert T. Lincoln as Minister to Great Britain (the term “ambassador” was not used until 1893). The Lincolns were delighted and moved to London. Young “Jack” was said to be a bright young man with a fine future ahead, but like both his parents, kept out of the limelight. A rare studio photographs of him shows a boy with long thin legs, which might indicate lanky Lincoln genes. He was preparing to enter Harvard University when the Lincolns returned to America.


“Jack Lincoln” as a young man. He died when he was only sixteen.

On a vacation trip to France in 1890, Jack developed a carbuncle, or boil, under his arm. French doctors were summoned, and the carbuncle was lanced, but without the antibiotics of a later generation, infection set in and he developed blood poisoning. Robert Lincoln rushed him back to London, in the vain hope that British physicians might have a miracle cure for the sixteen-year-old young man who was bearing both pain and high fevers with (as his father said) pluck and determination.

But pluck and determination and good spirits were not enough, and Jack died at sixteen. Once again, Robert Lincoln rode a train-with-a-coffin to Springfield, where Abraham Lincoln II was interred in the family tomb.

Forty years later (and after Robert Lincoln’s death), Mary Harlan Lincoln had Jack’s coffin removed from his wall crypt, and reinterred in Arlington Cemetery, where Robert had been buried, and where she herself would be buried at her death.

Another forty years would pass before the name “Abraham Lincoln II” would be engraved on the marker.


Lachman, Charles – The Last Lincolns: The Rise & Fall of a Great American Family, Union Square Press, 2010

Wead, Doug – All the Presidents’ Children – Atria Books, 2003



About Feather Schwartz Foster

Feather Schwartz Foster is an author-historian who has made more than 500 appearances discussing presidential history. She teaches adult education at the Christopher Wren Association (affiliated with William and; Mary College), and adult Education programs at Christopher Newport University. She has been a guest on the C-SPAN "First Ladies" program. She has written five books.
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8 Responses to Abraham Lincoln’s Grandson: “Jack”

  1. nerdtrips says:

    Always interesting. Robert Lincoln suffered and witnessed so many losses.

  2. Dennis McDonald says:

    Ms. Foster…I’m trying to find the source of the photograph of “Jack” Lincoln with a Star Bicycle. Thanks.

    • I really cannot remember where I found the photo = but I do believe it was a “studio” shot, where the bike was a prop. I hope that helps!
      – FSF

      • Dennis McDonald says:

        Thanks for your help. The bike is a very unusual one. It seems odd that it would be a studio prop. Of course, I don’t know if he ever rode this bike. If you remember where you found it please let me know.I’m working on a book about the Star Bicycle and the company that built it. Thanks.

  3. Shannon Brown says:

    Dear Ms. Foster:

    I came to find your entry about Abraham Lincoln II after seeing a post on FB, and I wanted to let you know first that I appreciate your contribution; however, I also write to let you know that your entry contains an error.

    I am part of the team that re-created President Lincoln’s funeral rail car and I have been a Lincoln historian for the past 45 years. During our nearly three years of research to reconstruct the funeral car my team and I were fortunate to obtain a copy of a letter written by Robert Lincoln. The correspondence is a reply to a request for information about his father’s funeral train. In this handwritten reply Robert Lincoln apologizes for not being able to give much information about the train’s journey. He writes, “I did not travel with my father’s funeral train.”

    Please revise your article about Jack to update this information.

    Many tanks in advance,

    Shannon Brown

    The Lincoln Funeral Train

    • Feather Foster says:

      Thank you for your comment, but I am a bit confused. I always read (I read a lot too) that RTL as oldest son, was chief mourner, and went with the funeral train to Springfield. And that at each stop, “invited guests” came to pay their respects to him. I also read that after the trip and the appropriate stuff, RTL returned to Washington to escort his mother and brother back to Illinois (Chicago). Did RTL travel on a separate train? Please let me know. I am interested. – FSF

      • Hi Feather,

        There are a handful of accounts that mention RTL being on the train–some say for the entire journey, others say he was only aboard for part of it. You will also find, unfortunately, the same type of erroneous accounts that claim Mrs. Lincoln was aboard, but I had the honor and privilege two years ago to work alongside the foremost historian for the train, Dr. Wayne Wesolowski, on an information gathering project related to the funeral car. Among the numerous firsthand accounts we reviewed was a letter signed by RTL in which he answers a correspondent’s request for information about items that had been aboard the president’s funeral train. In his reply RTL sates that he did not travel with his father’s train.

        You are correct, however, that at each stop, particularly whenever the train entered a new state, a new delegation came aboard and many passengers from the immediate preceding leg of the journey would disembark. These delegations most often included state office holders such as the governor, senators and/or congressmen, as well as local dignitaries, various military members (with the approval of the War Department) and in some cases longtime friends of the president.

        You are also correct that RTL accompanied his mother and Tad back to Chicago in May 1865.

        The “rabbit-hole of history” is both a blessing and a curse to those of us who can never get enough of it.

        I hope this information is useful to you, and I thank you for the exchange. If you are so inclined, I invite you to visit the train’s official Facebook page (@2015LincolnFuneralTrain), or you can find us on Instagram (@lincolntrain) and at the blog, ingreatdeeds.com.

        Warm regards,


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